Today is my last day in freedom because tomorrow I'm getting conscripted.
Obviously I wasn't retarded enough to skip this phase of growing up in Germany and since I couldn't be fucked to compose a completely hypocritical conscientious objection, either based on religious aspects (I'm as religious as Karl Marx god damnit... maybe I should found the church of genitals or something) or based on pacifist reasons (gay) and instead applying for alternative service (which often is even more annoying anyway).
Well, now I'm sitting here, packing my bags, mentally preparing for the army.
Fortunately it's only 9 months I'll have to join them, of which 3 months are basic drill.
This means, for the next time I probably won't be with you guys... Maybe I can go home at some weekends but I honestly don't know about how much spare time I will have yet.
Anyway, so I'll be pretty much hanging around at the barracks, learning some maybe interesting shit, shooting some bullets just to be able to say, "carrying a rifle feels like having a second dick", earning some money my insanely indebted country gives me for the whole shit and hopefully have a nice time until my basic military service is over.
Until then, have a nice time without me.
Cya at the weekends
user picture fails.
And you have no taste motherfucker