View Profile Kottbullar
I am the guy who slaps his balls against your mum's forehead

Leif Erektion @Kottbullar

Age 35, Male

Doing Army Stuff



Joined on 5/25/07

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Back from buttcamp; actally almost about to be dismissed from the Army for good...

Posted by Kottbullar - March 15th, 2010

I have greatly done my duty in the German Army and I'm gonna be dismissed by the end of the month, hopefully having more time and motivation to work on some silly animation and to create a bunch of weird art that should never exist.
My next aim will be to prepare for my studies so I can one day hopefully become a techer to corrupt the next 2 generations and to create an army of Kottbullars to to rule the internet.

Concerning the creative part I'm planning to be more active on this shitty lil website again, produce some hopefully not too time consuming animations to supply you with some good laughs, improve my art skills, create a bunch of 34/35s for the sake of humor and not the shitty kind of Naruto fanboy fapperies and record an album.
Wow... that's pretty much to do actually... I just hope I'm not having a lazy phase again.

Upcoming animation (still) that epicstickfightshit that I have announced about half a y... naw wait... lmfao it's been 2 fucking years?
Anyway, I'm almost done and I have actually found a decent ending.
Release date: Sometime in the next 2 years justkidding, around the end of March... ye

Other than that I'm fine. Life in the Army was nice...
I shot some taliban, raped some women and pillaged a bunch of vilages, leaving behind a cloud of death and destruction.

Naw, actually I just got my basic drill, learned a bunch of more or less interesting things, wasted some ammo at the taxpayer's extense, had some fun with a bunch of nice folks and got to know the life as a solider, which can get (to be honest) a little boring after the first three months of basic drill... at times it's like hanging around in one's room, and watching sitcoms, being paid for it... but yet I've had a bunch of nice and interesting experiences as well and I wouldn't say I regret not to have done civil service instead.
I could also have made myself getting discharged by making a little Netherlands trip before getting mustered or crying about pathetically cooked up suicide thoughts as many people do, though especially most of these people could use 3 months of basic drill...

Anyway, until now 6 of the 9 months are over and since I am stationed close to my home, I can sleep in my own bed (and use my goddamn pc) again almost every day... and now even that's gonna come to an end so I can waste even more time on the internetz.

Pic related; I'm back fuckers!

Back from buttcamp; actally almost about to be dismissed from the Army for good...


going to miss the shower dongs? RIP...

Going to miss the dickings

sup kott

Why, hello there! =D

Hey Kollege, nett von dir zu hören... :) Muss mal sehen was bei rumkommt, aber in der nächsten Zeit krieg ich vllt. wieder nen Film fertig... schön frame-by-frame-Kacke... mal schaun.

Großartig zu hören! Newspost is n bisschen veraltet, trotzdem danke für's Kommentar anne Pinnwand Klatschen. Bin Gespannt drauf! Und wenn ich nicht den Sack hängen lasse, dürfte ich die nächste Woche endlich auch mal wieder was fertigstellen...


<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/548127">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /548127</a> <-- das ist zwar NICHT, was ich ursprünglih machen wollte... aber... da ist es... ich schäme mich.

X3 .

Fuck yeah, I am very excited about your new film!
Don't worry, I know the problem: You start something with an idea you really like and after a while you get ANOTHER idea that seems more interesting at the moment... and at the end of the period where you actually have time to make movies again you got four half finished movies, nothing presentable... XD (It's that way in my case, I got two half finished movie... I don't know what to do next.)
Still, I am very ecited, since you've been working on your newest film for a year ;)
Yep, semester starts... what's it gonna be for you?
Ich mach Tutor für ein paar arglose medizin-Erstis... MUHAHAHAW.

Oha, lass sie ganz!
Ich studiere English und Mather auf Lehramt. Werd also voraussichtlich nie aus der Schule rauskommen von der ich bis zum letzen Jahr gedacht habe, dass ich sie endlich überwunden habe. Bitterer Sarkasmus!^^

Isen't kottbullar spelled with an ö?

No it isn't I know that because I'm German and you're just a filthy Swede that doesn't know shit about Swedish!

...well, actually yes, but the name system only supports the normal ascii signs :(
Also Kottbullar sounds way more individual
