View Profile Kottbullar
I am the guy who slaps his balls against your mum's forehead

Leif Erektion @Kottbullar

Age 35, Male

Doing Army Stuff



Joined on 5/25/07

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New submission in progress

Posted by Kottbullar - February 7th, 2008

One More Epic Stickfight!

If you think it's another dumb parody you could be right... but you will see...
There won't be balls in that movie this time :(
Anyway... do you guys know sum mothod to prevent lazyness? Didn't continue any flasshit during the past week...
Gotta lift my ass and du some shit right now... gonna continue it, bitches...

50% done yet... may the power of the holy balls give me strength!

New submission in progress


Looks kinda like a stick version of something I've seen before... Oh right. Unblamable. Or maybe it's just the red headband and the fighting atmosphere; I wouldn't know. Still, it looks like it's going to be a good one.

You ask for a cure for laziness? Well, if you end up finding one, please tell me. But if your problem is lack of energy, then Mountain Dew might help.

And I read your previous news post, about joining AKK as a diplomat, the way Jackisback joined your group. It's actually a good idea; perhaps meeting one of you who isn't a total troll or loser, a KK member with some reason, who shows up at WTF Kitty Krew to do someting other than flame the anti-spam users, will help to reduce the strong anti-KK sentiment, and complete the change that Jackisback and Tomajko have both mentioned: turning the Anti Kitty Krew into an anti-spam group, a change that would make said group more acceptable to the NG public as a whole by removing their stigma as a "hate group".

SO you think there are similarities to Unblamable?
lol so true! XD
That sun effect is just an artistic visuality, makes the situation look more realistic and gives it some atmosphere... well and the headband is just a Rambo parodying must...

I'm sure having contacts to those who actually hate the KK will give them another impression about the most hated spamcrew on NG and if they should actually change their name their group would have more sense and would probably get some more members.
It's wrong to blame the KK for the entire spam in the portal, though we are responsible for a big part of it... and I don't really like to say that but the KK stopped being funny and gat lazy.
There are so many talented members in this group and if they would actually spend some effort people on NG would love us.
There are so many good examples for groups, for great collaborations and even if we would stick to our special humor; with some more effort and less spam people wouldn't even get the idea to found an anti KK.
Even I hate unfunny KK spamsubmissions of my own people because I know that they would have the talent to produce some really great shit instead... well, and of course it's funny to get some angry reviews for a deliberately bad or proviking submission (even I sometimes love that X3) but we shouldn't overdo it...
Also I would never submit complete pointless, unfunny or non artistic animations... And I actually kinda hate those types of flash...
I think the first step would be to stop convince some guys to stop spamming the portal with these kind of useless submissions.
We already tried making a high quality collab. Unblamable should actually be a part of it but the collab failed due lazyness. -.-

Well, a cure for lazyness...
Like we said... if we should ever find one our problems would be solved! XD

This shit'll be off the heezy, fo sheezy

I hope so mang!

Ich freu mich drauf

Lazyness.... its like AIDS. You can fight but you cant kill it. I think to set oneself a limitation would help... like if I dont study today at least 3 hours I will ram a fork in my leg. Believe me. Im fighting this kind of problems since elementary school...Well and Im not quiet successfull at it. For example I should make and composition about a book. Until Monday. Well I started to read it on Friday...finished it on Saturday and I ll beg my teacher to give me one week honesty time.

Aw... good luck then mang!
School stresses me too at the moment and homework boosts the lazyness...
Gotta harden the fuck up!

Looks epic o.o.

Oh, glad you think so! :3 Guess my plan should work... heh
This actually should be finished already but unfortunately I had too moch other things to care about... and my weekend's gonna get raped because of some dumb trip...
Whatever... I'm gonna finnish and release it next week I guess... :/




Good bye, Kott

i understand where you going at i mean why don't you guys do more cooler stuff then spam uses with junk i mean sure some time you guys make good one and if there lazy then kick there sorry ass out of you site i mean sure having fun is good thing but when they keep putting crap over and over again it gets on pepole never man i mean sure that one flash i must admit was good but every thing else you guys put on the site is just plain crap why don't you guys just get rid of them and start a new and put some good flashes like the one you did that was good little bloody but hey who doesn't like to watch pepole get there ass kicked lol


cool !!

Awesome sticks.


hey man... check yo pms? answer mine 2.


check yo pms

Today I learned a special lesson by lurking through internet...

It doestn make a fucking difference if you re male or female.. A tough guy or chick... Gay or straight... Everyone will cry sweet sweet glittering tears of pain if they get mouth raped by some animu guy... Lurk for BATTLE RAPER 2

I guess if I decide to improve my art (which already has) and start making a flash I will post a parody of the AKK vs KK flashes.... And it will all end with Pantywipes anus.

oh yeah found a possible cure... Coffeinum N pills. Dried coffein tablets who are similar to four cups of coffee. Settles your ass on fire and you want to do some creative shit if you take two.

Ja, man merkt, dass du auf Koffein bist...

woops a lil typo... Im meaning that it will all end IN pantywipes anus
but I need to improve moar so I can draw hentais...
I would never submit a half ass beginner flash without sound/unsynchronised
bad drawn and no menu or preloader and hoping for spare points like "OMG!!!!!11111 THATS MY FIRST FLASH EVAAAR!!!1 DESU VOTE 5!!!" thats pitifull to me!

Oh and if you love "Teen Titan Hentai Tutorial" you WILL love this one here:

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/382175">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /382175</a>

Don't really see any similarities...
but, yeh... something interesting... though the graphics of that one are really half arsed... still entertaining...

Eh kott.... you were once complaining that most hentai related games on NG are suffering from a lack of creativity. Well I found out that even the good games which seem to be somewhat original are just ripp-offs from H games from the 90s... I ve got some on my harddrive and they have just the SAME gameplay as some really sucessfull NG games

Wasn't it clear?

Well I was kinda surprised about this...
One game is btw an EXAKT copy of a game... a little bit shorter but its kinda the same like "Alfred and the Fettucini" from BFK... he just ported it into flash

Well, it's not that easy...
You have to rip every single graphic, like the background, the parts for the level, the sprites for the characters, then you gotta import it into flash, convert the whole shit to symbols and rewrite the complete in Action Script 2 or 3.
It may seem simple, but believe me, it's a bunch of work...

or the simple way: if it is a strictly text based game you just have to rip the pictures and just make a text based game in AS which has the same decision paths as the orginal (and you told me once that text based games like quizes are simple to make if you have some basic knowledge)

I was talking about Kes' "Alfred and the Fettucini"...
That's more than just ripping off some graphics...

But for those cheap hentail games it's 100% true...
even an eight year old could do that...

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